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      時間:2014-07-22 09:23:59|來源:人民網|點擊量:13277


      人民網7月21日電 國家檔案局網站今天發(fā)布第19名日本戰(zhàn)犯古海忠之的筆供。筆供顯示,戰(zhàn)犯古海忠之曾計劃大肆在我國東北地區(qū)栽種鴉片,并向汪精衛(wèi)偽政權售賣10萬兩鴉片。









      筆供英文內容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)

      Tadayuki Furuumi(古海忠之)

      According to the written confession of Tadayuki Furumi in March 1954, he was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1900. In July 1932, he took part in the War of Aggression against China and was successively appointed as special division chief and section chief of accountant office of Ministry of General Affairs, undersecretary of Ministry of Economic Affairs, undersecretary of Ministry of General Affairs and director general of Planning Bureau.

      Major offences:

      July 1936:“took part in the meeting, presided over by the Kwantung Army and the Japanese government, on the plan of a million households of Japanese pioneers immigrating to China in 20 years. I made contribution to the decision of this plan”;

      September 1936:“took part for several times in the 5-year-plan formulating meetings, which were presided over by the Kwantung Army and the Japanese government, and made contribution to the decision on this plan”;

      October 1937:“took part in the meetings, presided over by the Kwantung Army and the Planning Bureau, on the 10-yearopium cessation policy. I took part in the discussions, suggesting easing the opium cessation policy, and voted on the policy”;

      April 1943:“gave permission to plant opium in the test fields in the plains of Mukden, Jinlin and Siping, to be expanded in the future”;

      April 1945:“I sold 100,000 liang (1 liang = 50 gram) of opium to the puppet government of Wang Jingwei in Central China.”


    2. 責任編輯 / 王艷凌

    3. 審核 / 李俊杰 劉曉明
    4. 終審 / 平筠
    5. 上一篇:駐馬店市紀委公布“禁酒”監(jiān)督舉報電話
    6. 下一篇:2014 讓我們深深感動的鏡頭